Hot Wing Compitition



No Cooks at Staff Breakfast!

Unfortunately The Cooks and Staff Breakfast Is Cancelled This Year!
Thanks To Phil Evans And The Meridian Kiwanis For Making This Possible In Prior Years!


Please register EACH AND EVERY individual cook name via the Registration form located on the Contact page.

A "cook" is defined as any person (regardless of age) that participates by preparing, handling, or cooking food at the event.

Registration is necessary for planning purposes, and ensures eligibility for receipt of any donated wings.

All cooks should review the following short food handling and safety videos courtesy of Central District Health.

Each food safety video is only a few minutes in length, and helps ensure proper food handling and safety.

Click the image and link below for important information each cook should review annually prior to the event.

Thank you!!


In years previous, we have been very fortunate to have wing donations from such great sponsors as Sysco, Tyson, Smart Chicken, and Food Services of America.

We greatly appreciate any and all wing donations to help supplement the quantities of food offered at this event by our many excellent cooks!

If you have a contact that can supply food items for the event, please contact us via the Contact page.

We'd appreciate hearing from you, to support this event and help pass on savings to our cooks.

A special note: We'd like to take a moment to remember our dear friend Paul Rensberger who passed in 2016. Paul was a huge fan of this event, and supplied hundreds of donated pounds of Tyson wings to assist our cooks over the years. We miss Paul, and extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to his daughters, extended family, and friends.

A special note to cooks regarding donated wings and how donations work

Wing donations, like any donation, vary based on a supplier's economic environment, corporate donation policies, budgetary constraints, etc.

Any wing, (or other food) donations are greatly appreciated and will be distributed as equally as possible amongst REGISTERED COOKS ONLY!

Originally, the Wing Off event began with all cooks donating any and all food items they brought and prepared to the event.

There was no sponsored donation of any kind.

All food, supplies, materials, etc. were supplied by the cooks.

We consider ourselves fortunate to be associated with all the incredible cooks, suppliers, and organizations that have donated to this event, and have the deepest gratitude for their support and generous donations over the years.

Thank you!!

In previous (good) years we've had enough wings donated to give every cook 20+ lbs. This is NOT guaranteed!!

If the final donation quantity for the year is insufficient to provide all cooks with wings, a raffle will be held to distribute a reasonably determined amount of wings to as many REGISTERED COOK NAMES as possible based on the final donation quantity.

Key information For Cooks: